We’ve had a superb three weeks, with two hugely important national presentations to the Department of Work and Pensions, through the Westminster Job Centre, London. With the ‘chat’ having recorded 657 participants, Jack Goodings and three county Hosts explained the severity of damage to targeted, alienated parents. This highlighted the importance for DWP to identify and immediately provide intervention for these ‘at risk’ individuals. The delivery of such important information was absolutely impactful.
At the start of the session, the question was asked:
“How many people here have heard of alienation towards children and parents”.
No hands went up. None.
Yet, throughout the session, more and more people gave real-life examples of their knowledge and experience (even first hand, from a previously alienated parent) of alienation. Although this was good, that people felt comfortable sharing their knowledge, story and experience; it drove home the fact that OUR topic, is still enthralled with fear and anxiety, about whether to talk about it or not.
By opening up the conversation to DWP, Job Centres, Universal Credit etc., we realise the incredible work being achieved by our dedicated team of volunteers. If we can help one person who walks into a Job Centre next week, and the assessor is able to remotely understand what that person is experiencing, because of these presentations, then we’re achieving what we’re here to do, and helping to change policy and awareness one important step at a time. Thank you so much for the DWP people who arranged these dedicated sessions, we truly do appreciate all that you’re doing to help raise awareness of what’s known as ‘parental alienation’, a systemic form of domestic abuse, intimate partner violence, child psychological abuse.
The PAA Team