Parental Alienation Awareness…

Promoting equality in parenting

“It was a pleasure to meet you all. The Parental Alienation Awareness Day 2024 Conference was a success. You and your team are going in the right direction in assisting and informing us alienated parents and grandparents. This was well organised and well attended. Looking forward to the next one. Onwards and upwards for PAA”

EVENTParental Alienation Awareness Day - 25th April (every year)

Thank you to all the guest speakers, volunteers and everybody who attended the 2024 PAA Conference. “An emotive, powerful day!”

Our Aims

Our core aims are to raise awareness, educate and campaign against this form of child abuse.


Parental Alienation

Parental alienation is defined as a condition, it usually occurs in divorce, separation and child contact issues. 


Alienating Strategies

Individuals use strategies to create conflict and / or distance between a child and the parent who is targeted for alienation. These behaviours and intended conflict lead to the rejection and erasing of that parent. 



50,747 children caught up in family court proceedings between April and August 2023

Parental Alienation Awareness Day –
25h April (every year)

Performers and keynote speakers

We are always looking for professionals, organisations and performers to help educate, raise awareness and support our campaign.

keynote speakers

Become a stall holder

We also welcome stall holders from a range of businesses, statutory organisations and support groups, both locally and nationally for our event. 


Our event is run by volunteers and we need your help to make Parental Alienation Awareness Day happen.

Get involved


Visit the Parental Alienation Awareness store


Whether you can spare an hour or two or want to get involved more often, whatever time you can give is invaluable.
There is something for everyone from volunteering at our parental alienation awareness day event, to becoming a cause ribbon appeal champion


We offer campaigns that can run all year long or focus activity during our parental alienation awareness day event. Our charity works with businesses in a number of ways; from event sponsorship and cause related marketing initiatives, to employee fundraising and matching donations.

Awareness Flag

Sign our awareness flag. Let the world know how you feel!

DIY Fundraising

Run, swim, walk, hold a coffee morning, quiz night, three course dinner or why not create your own challenge. Once you decide what you would like to do, we will send you out a pack for you to get started.

Cause Ribbon Appeal

Our parental alienation awareness cause ribbon appeal runs throughout the month of April. Our grandparent alienation awareness campaign runs throughout the month of June, with the 14th June being officially acknowledged as grandparent alienation awareness day. Not only do these causes raise awareness to the wider community but they also help us to raise integral funds for our event and future events around these issues.


Children a day lose contact with a parent.

200 children a day lose contact with a parent in family court. That is 1 in 3 children never seeing their alienated parent again after divorce and separation. (F4J)

Welcome to our Awareness Flag

We have created an Awareness flag where you can leave a message for your loved one/s or express your feelings telling the world how Parental Alienation has affected you and your family.

Our giant Awareness flag is 6 meters by 4 meters and has over 300 messages from alienated parents, children and grandparents. It has been on display in Devon and Cornwall, and we hope to have this on display in other counties throughout the year. Add your message to help raise awareness and visibility of this issue.

How it works

1. Express yourself by submitting your comments with the form. (25-30 words)

2. We will review your comment.

3. Our team will print your message onto our Awareness flag and also post it onto our digital message board

*Please note that if your message goes over 25-30 words we will only use snippets from the comment.

Let us know if you want your comments to be anonymous or not. 

Leave a comment on our awareness flag. Tell the world the pain that you feel. Let's raise awareness together

Parental Alienation Awareness Flag


Grandparents are denied access.

1 million grandparents in the UK are denied access to their grandchildren. (MOJ)


42% of children caught up in family law proceedings are under 5 years old ( CAFCASS)

Parental Alienation UK

At Parental Alienation Awareness, our aim is to campaign, raise awareness and educate against the psychological and emotional abuse that is caused when parental alienation occurs. Our philosophy was created through a desire to change the shocking and devastating reality of how common parental alienation is around the UK and the lack of training and education there is around this issue. We do not want anyone to feel as though they have no control in such a heart-breaking situation. If you should need help and support with this issue, please complete our needs assessment form in order to help us understand your current situation.

We also work with professionals and experts through our focus groups for research and resource development, as well as events, fundraising activities and helpful e-news. If you are a professional or expert that has a special interest in this area and would like to help or get involved, please contact us.

What Is Parental Alienation?

The term ‘Parental Alienation’ mainly refers to the destruction and ending of the relationship between a parent and child which can occur in many forms and is most commonly due to three main reasons, divorce, separation and child contact issues. What may happen is that the child may ally with one particular parent and begin to reject the other parent for no legitimate reason, no prior safeguarding issue, previously good relationship. This opinion could be created by that parent through coercive and controlling behaviours set out by the other parent which manifests into a dislike, disrespect and even potential fear.

What Can You Do to Help?

Our team works tirelessly each day at Parental Alienation Awareness educating and raising awareness about parental alienation and helping as many struggling parents as we can. We use our knowledge, our heart and our determination to make change. Except we couldn’t do this without your help. There are so many things that you could do that would make a world of difference including donations, volunteering, DIY fundraising events, or becoming a stall holder at one of our awareness days and more. Please feel free to explore our website or contact us to find out more



The average case takes approximately 2 years to conclude  (CAFCASS )

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