Terms and Conditions

 These terms are an agreement between Parental Alienation Awareness (referred to as PA Awareness) and you, as the participant.

1) I can confirm that I am or will be over 18 years of age at the date of my event.

2) I confirm that I am medically fit, and I agree that I am participating in the event at my own risk. PA Awareness cannot be responsible or liable for any injury or illness that results from the participation of this event.

3) I will aim to raise money for Parental Alienation Awareness in connection to my participation in the event.

4) I understand, and I will inform supporters/ sponsors that I am raising money for PA Awareness. I will also make them aware that all donations go to PA Awareness and that they are used for PA Awareness’s work and campaigns. Donations are not generally refundable, even if I fail to take part or withdraw from an event.

5) I will forward all monies donated to PA Awareness by either cheque or via an online giving provider within four weeks following the event.

6) I will use lawful means to fundraise for PA Awareness and will not bring the charities name into disrepute. I acknowledge the fundraising rules and agree to comply with these or any other rules or requirements about fundraising to which PA Awareness may notify me of.

7) I will not use the PA Awareness logo or associated logo without obtaining permission from PA Awareness. I will allow PA Awareness to approve any materials made whether online or printed.

8) I will gain approval from PA Awareness before approaching the press to support my event.

9) I will ensure to obtain the correct approvals before commencing any street collections or on private property.

10) I will ensure to take responsibility for the safe keeping of any money raised in PA Awareness’s name, both during and after collections. Until it is transferred to PA Awareness and I will: Send PA Awareness my completed sponsor forms with the details of the names and addresses of the amounts donated by all sponsors no later than 4 weeks after my event. This will allow PA Awareness to process gift aid on donations. Ensure that all cheques are payable to PA Awareness and are sent no later than 3 weeks from the date of issue.

Only use sponsorship forms provided by PA Awareness and not use any other types of sponsorship form (unless agreed by PA Awareness)

I confirm that I have read and agree to these terms and conditions. *


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